Cedar Hlls


Sunday - 10 AM Sunday School - 11 AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6PM Small Groups

Cedar Hills Baptist Youth Camp

Cedar Hills Baptist Youth Camp covers 160 acres and is located approximately 2 miles south and 3 miles west of Binger, OK. The camp was established in 1979 as a ministry of Oakdale Missionary Baptist Church in cooperation with the Baptist General Assembly of Oklahoma. The purpose of the camp is best stated in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Sand rock hills, miles of hiking trails, many amazing views, and a ten-acre lake provide ample opportunities for visitors to experience God’s creation.

The camp is able to host over four hundred guests in the climate-controlled dorms, cafeteria, and worship accommodations. Recreation areas include a large pavilion, basketball courts, sports fields, sand volleyball court, mini-golf and swimming pools. Click the facilities page for more details.